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Custom Metal Ytterbium (Yb) Materials

Material TypeYtterbium
Atomic Weight173.054
Atomic Number70
Color/AppearanceSilvery White Metallic
Thermal Conductivity34.9 W/m.K
Melting Point(°C)819
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion26.3 x 10-6/K
Theoretical Density (g/cc)6.11

Ytterbium (Yb) General Information:

The element symbol for ytterbium is Yb. Atomic weight 173.04(3). The melting point is 824°C, the boiling point is 1427°C, the relative density is 6.977 (α-type), and it is a silver-white metal. It is ductile and soft in quality. There are two crystal structures: α-type is a face-centered cubic crystal system (room temperature -798°C); β-type is a body-centered cubic (above 798°C) crystal lattice. Insoluble in cold water, soluble in acid and liquid ammonia.



Ytterbium RodФ5-200mm99.90%
Ytterbium Plate≥2mm99.90%
Ytterbium Sheet≥2mm99.90%
Ytterbium Ingot1kg, Or Customize99.90%
Ytterbium Lump1kg, Or Customize99.90%
Dysprosium TargetCustomize99.90%
Dysprosium CubeCustomize99.90%

Used as laser material, portable X-ray source, Yb ions are important sensitizers for luminescent materials, Yb can be used for medical diagnosis, new organic luminescent materials (OLED) display materials,

Ytterbium (Yb) Metal Element Overview:

We smelts any of the metals and most other advanced materials into rod, bar or plate form, or customer provide drawing produce.
We sell these different shape ytterbium emetal materials by unit weight or piece for different use in research area and for new proprietary technologies.

For example:Ytterbium Rod, Ytterbium Lump, Ytterbium Ingot, Ytterbium Plate, Ytterbium Sheet, Ytterbium Rarget, Ytterbium Cube. Other shapes are available by request.

Ytterbium CubeYtterbium Cube
Ytterbium IngotYtterbium Ingot
Ytterbium LumpYtterbium Lump
Ytterbium PlateYtterbium Plate
Ytterbium RodYtterbium Rod
Ytterbium SheetYtterbium Sheet
Ytterbium TargetYtterbium Target

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