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Custom Metal Iron (Fe) Materials

Material TypeIron
Atomic Weight55.845
Atomic Number26
Color/AppearanceLustrous, Metallic, Grayish Tinge
Thermal Conductivity80 W/m.K
Melting Point (°C)1535
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion11.8 x 10-6/K
Theoretical Density (g/cc)7.86

Iron (Fe) General Information:

Iron, Ferrum,Element symbolFe,with an atomic number of 26, is in the fourth cycle of the periodic table, Group VIII. Pure iron is a silvery-white shiny metal with a density of 7.68 g/cm3 and a melting point of 1539 ° C. In addition to iron conductivity, thermal conductivity, ductility, but also can be attracted to a magnet, with ferromagnetism. Important compounds of iron are iron(III) oxide, ferrosoferric oxide, ferric chloride and iron complexes. It is produced industrially by mixing iron ore, coke and limestone in blast furnaces and can be divided into pig iron, wrought iron and steel according to their carbon content.


Iron WireФ0.01-4mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron RodФ5-200mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron BarФ5-200mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron TubeOD20-160mm.Thick2-20mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron PipeOD20-160mm.Thick2-20mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron Plate≥2mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron Sheet≥2mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron Foil0.01-2mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron Piece0.01-2mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron Ingot1kg, Or Customize99.9%-99.999%
Iron Lump1kg, Or Customize99.9%-99.999%
Iron PelletsФ1-50mm99.9%-99.999%
Iron TargetCustomize99.9%-99.999%
Iron CubeCustomize99.9%-99.999%
Customized IronCustomize99.9%-99.999%

Iron is used in pesticides, Powder metallurgy, hot hydrogen generators, gel propellants, combustion activators, catalysts, water cleaning adsorbents, sintering activators, Powder metallurgy products, various mechanical parts products, cemented carbide materials, etc. . Pure iron is used to make cores for generators and motors, reduced iron powder for Powder metallurgy, and steel for machines and tools. In addition, iron and its compounds are also used to make magnets, drugs, inks, pigments, abrasives and so on.

Iron (Fe) Metal Element Overview:

We smelts any of the metals and most other advanced materials into rod, bar or plate form, or customer provide drawing produce.

We sell these different shape tin metal materials by unit weight or piece for different use in research area and for new proprietary technologies.

For Example: IronWire, IronRod, IronBar, Iron Tube, IronPipe, Iron Plate, Iron Sheet, Iron Foil, Iron Piece, IronIngot,

Iron Lump, IronPellets, Iron Target, IronCube, CustomizedIron. Other shapes are available by request.

Iron BarIron Bar
Iron CubeIron Cube
Iron FoilIron Foil
Iron IngotIron Ingot
Iron LumpIron Lump
Iron PelletsIron Pellets
Iron PieceIron Piece
Iron PipeIron Pipe
Iron PlateIron Plate
Iron RodIron Rod
Iron SheetIron Sheet
Iron TargetIron Target
Iron TubeIron Tube
Iron WireIron Wire

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